Auckland Light Rail
Tui Gilling
Matapapa Consulting
We were tasked with ensuring Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi) and Māori outcomes and engagement were being embedded across the Auckland Light Rail proposal (ALR) in a meaningful and practical way.
The newly established ALR proposal team needed to quickly uplift capability in Mana Whenua engagement process, integrate Māori outcomes throughout such as economic and commercial opportunities including procurement, Te Taiao for environmental enhancement and mitigation, as well as cultural and social outcomes. There was also a specific requirement to embed Te Aranga design principles based on Māori values into design outcomes, an authentic and unique approach for design in the public realm.
I appreciated Elizabeth’s ability to champion outcomes for Māori across all ALR disciplines and to show her willingness to learn and engage in Māori issues in a sensitive way. She has an inclusive approach and she ensured that all Māori aspects were covered and highlighted in the response.
Elizabeth is open minded, has a capacity to learn and seek guidance which was undertaken in a culturally sensitive manner. She also championed and provided leadership for Māori outcomes and engagement at a senior level across the ALR response.
Elizabeth's support for my approach and championing Māori outcomes and engagement in a cultural appropriate manner was the thing that made the biggest difference to my success on the project.
Elizabeth has a great skill set and the ability to engage with a diverse range of people, has an empathetic and responsive approach and places trust in staff that they have the skill set to get things done. She would be an asset in complex and highly integrated programmes of work.
Elizabeth has great relationship management/people skills which would be valuable in any organisation and displays cultural sensitivity and responsiveness.