Transport Reforms &
Peter Duncan
Former CEO
NSW Roads and Maritime Services
In 2011 Transport for NSW was established to bring together the coordination, procurement, policy and nonservice delivery planning functions performed by the Department of Transport, RailCorp, Maritime Services and the Roads and Traffic Authority.
Within TNSW a new entity Roads and Maritime was established to reform and align many of the former service functions in the Roads and Maritime service areas. This new agency was tasked with among other things embedding safety in every aspect of its work, reforming its services including a customer service approach to registration and licencing.
These changes were some of the most major ever to be undertaken in the NSW Transport jurisdiction and introduced whilst advocating for the establishment of a National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, National Maritime Safety Regulator and Service NSW.
As chief executive of the new entity I found the task of undertaking the reforms to be complex, challenging and requiring a pragmatic approach and needing a team that could see the big picture. Elizabeth Ann was a leader of this process and the teams within the customer and regulatory space. Elizabeth worked as a consultant for Resolve Strategy then later as a Senior Executive. She worked on a range of complex policy and implementation projects, as well as overseeing state-wide customer and regulatory operations for Roads and Maritime Services.
These projects included the Regulatory Reform Program, NHVR establishment and management of NSW Program including key negotiations, commercialisation of the Special Number Plates business and remediation & replacement of Identity Management and Facial Recognition Systems, National Biometrics project establishment, digitisation of Medical Records for licencing and Point to Point reform program.
Elizabeth went on to manage as Senior Executive the state-wide business functions including 30+ regulatory programs such as Tow Truck, Passenger Vehicle, Vehicle Inspection Schemes, Driver and Vehicle Services Centre, Online Services, Drives Help Desk, Identity Management Unit, Dealer Administration Centre.
In undertaking these various roles, I found Elizabeth Ann to be a leader able to integrate across organisations and disciplines, she provided clear solutions to the vison and had the capability to get everyone moving in the one direction for delivery of the reforms.
Elizabeth showed a strong depth of understanding of the reforms required in the customer and regulatory areas of registration and licencing.
She was able to solve problems and lead to solutions not just direct traffic.
I found at all times that Elizabeth helped build critical connections between the vision, people, their actions and systems to deliver successfully. She was a critical element in resolving many of the challenges faced over the past decade in the customer and regulatory services areas of Transport.
The reforms and model envisaged in 2011 have now evolved with National Regulators in place, Service NSW and Transport for NSW providing a focus on giving the customer as seamless and safest journey as possible on the states transport networks.