Customer, Safety and
Regulatory Services Reform
Vedrana Trisic
A/ Director Precinct Delivery North Sydney
Transport for NSW
When I started working with Elizabeth, I had just come from working at NSW Parliament and the United Nations to round out my career in a delivery environment at Transport for NSW. The new environment covered diverse and complex subject matter, was high volume and pressure, dealing with a challenging range of stakeholders and management styles.
Elizabeth, I learned very soon, was known as one of those people at whom you can just throw any issue, on any subject and know she’ll work out a solution.
Observing her cut through conflict, confusion and emotion to resolve crisis, critical or high profile matters in a logical and calm way was inspirational.
I soon learned that one of her key strengths was making the most complex delivery solution look effortless on the outside, enhancing the reputation of the executives she supported.
I made it a mission for it to be one of my strengths too.
The best advice Elizabeth gave me for successful delivery in complex environments was to learn to be comfortable with ambiguity and keep moving forward on the delivery path. Elizabeth authentically demonstrated this resilience, integrity and pragmatism consistently when I worked with her, and it is this advice that has stood me in good stead.
If you are an executive who wants to drive success, you couldn’t do better than have Elizabeth on your team.